DMX Digital Vascular Doppler with Waveform
DMX Vascular Doppler with Waveform , 5MHz XS probe
$1,536.10Â /Â ea
1 / ea
Part #HM106739
Min. Quantity
Expected Availability Date 01/20/2025.
Country of Origin:UK
MR Status:Unevaluated
Outer Dimension Depth:1.2"
Outer Dimension Height:5.5"
Outer Dimension Width:3"
DMX Digital Vascular Doppler with Waveform
DMX Vascular Doppler with Waveform , 5MHz XS probe
Part #HM106739
Min. Quantity
Expected Availability Date 01/20/2025.
$1,536.10Â /Â ea
1 / ea